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I direct people toward their divine dreams, especially discouraged daters, who desire to uplevel their day to day and dating lives.​​

Dream Director &
Divine Dating Strategist

 Sharonda Green Christopher

DreeammS Global LLC  started in a simple time of self-reflection and prayer to increase the amount of joy and fulfillment Sharonda desired in her life. After a few moments, she began to write down the most important things in her life and realized these were the very things she was paying the least amount of attention to. Right then and there, she mapped out a plan to change that narrative and immediately, joy started to well up, with a long awaited excitement to take her life's purpose back. Coincidentally, everything she wrote down just minutes prior created the acronym, DreeammS.


DreeammS: Divinity, Relationships, Evangelism, Entrepreneurship, Academics, Money and More, all important elements of a force named Sharonda. Thus, DreeammS was born, along with a determination to pursue her dreams in life & love and help others do the same.


DreeammS Global Services

Dream Coaching

Business Ideation & Book Publishing

Dating in 3D!  & Wing Woman

Coaching & Online Matchmaking


#1 Online Mixers

Live Events, Workshops, & Retreats 


Services and Merchandise

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Upcoming Events

  • Divine Dating: The #1 Online Mixer
    Divine Dating: The #1 Online Mixer
    Sun, Feb 18
    The #1 Online Mixer via Zoom
    Exclusive, Invite Only, Online Mixer for Like-Minded Singles 30+, who desire a God-glorifying, fun-loving, and long-term relationship!

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